Gently used 18″ American Girl Dolls
We have selected these dolls because they are made to last several lifetimes and we personally have the skills to repair them when needed.

Doll clothes for 18″ Dolls
We are always in need of well made doll clothes that will delight and inspire children to believe anything is possible! From play dresses, sleep clothes to career wear, we appreciate your creativity and generosity!
We are looking for donations that have a serious cuteness factor. The children who receive these gifts live day to day with the “I guess it’s better than nothing” concept. We want our dolls and clothes to have the “I can’t believe this is for me!” feeling. Lets all do our best to bring the darling into these children’s lives!!

Doll Carry Bags
Want to contribute but your DIY skills feel lacking? We have an Amazon Wish list with items we ALWAYS need, and they will ship it directly to us! Please check the box where is asks “is this a gift?” as Amazon will include a gift note letting us know who sent it. We can then thank you and put you on our donors list!

Want to contribute financially?
Send donations via Venmo and CashApp at:
Venmo: @Susan-Robison-1
CashApp: $susanrobison
Or donate via PayPal or debit/credit card at: